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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Reading Group meeting 26/8/06

On this day....

'Soon the dwindling company, following the Isen, turned west and rode through the Gap into the waste lands beyond,....'

The Return of the King, Many Partings

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Reading Group meeting 12/8/06

On this day....

'...'Now this is the funeral feast of Theoden the King; but I [King Eomer] will speak ere we go of tidings of joy, for he would not grudge that I should do so...'

The Return of of the King, Many Partings

Reading Group meeting 12/8/06

On this day....

'...'Now this is the funeral feast of Theoden the King; but I [King Eomer] will speak ere we go of tidings of joy, for he would not grudge that I should do so...'

The Return of of the King, Many Partings